Environmental Engineering, Inc. established in 1985 is a mechanical contractor focusing primarily on new commercial construction and commercial renovation projects. Our philosophy is simple. We also make full use of available technologies and are completely computerized, from our CAD system complete with color plot capabilities to our computer controlled plasma cutting table. We have full electronic drawing transfer capability and have used this technology to significantly shorten design / build project planning durations.
Reviews (1)
Roger Hoyt
Jul 09, 2016
Someone from this firm, driving their van--MO license 2YD 508--forced his way in front of me at the 54-63 MO bridge interchange, nearly hitting my car and forcing me to pull partially into the left lane, where if another car had been there, the results would have been an accident. If he is this negligent and thoughtless, would you want him to do HVAC work at your home or business?